Tuesday, August 26, 2008


At the end of every summer we go
to my Grandma Leavitts cabin with the
Routts. This is a fun tradition that we all love.

We all went to the lake to fish, or tried to fish..

Here is a great pic of Greg, he'll let
Issac take his picture but not me

All the kids in the wagon, we seem
to take this same picture every few years

And here is ALL the kids, Peerys and Routts
this was a really fun trip, and easier too now that
the kids are getting older.

yes, the hairy and the hairless
what more can I say.........................

And here they are on top of a monster
tractor, as you can see Christain and
Sam are playing out some sort of violent
drama? don't ask

And the littlest Routt, mimi.
She was so cute, she followed Tyler
around and always wanted to be with him.

(pictures from the same outing without
the kids on my other blog)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last night of Summer


Grandma and Savanah with
her birthday card

And here is all the grand daughters
(minus Stella) Anna thinks she to big to be
held, but she's not big enough to
hold still.

Aydelyn and Ava love to be daring
on the play ground, their two wild
and silly girls

Aydelyn loves the babies, I usually
have to fight over the babies with her
and Savanah. Here is Aydelyn with
4 month old Sadie

And a closer look at Sadie, I think she
looks just like her mommy

Anna trying to give some lovin to Sadie,
too cute

And the newest addition to the Peery family
Mason Van Peery.

He is such a cutie, and a really good
baby. He has the peery look!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's here.....at long last

So we made it here, showed up around ten,
and what did we see?
no, really. Some people went all out.
It was fun though just watching everyone.

Karen, me and Lori braved it out, although Karen wanted
to walk home when she realized how
late we would be there.
Lucky for us Rachel was super rad and got
us wrist bands in the seventies, so at 11:30
we got to stay in the store when everyone above 200
had to go wait outside.
(here she is handing me my copie)

Like I said people were crazy dressed up, alot of
girls in prom dresses, and a ton of Vamps, of course.
Here are some that I got a shot of.
I love the saying on this shirt.

It was cute these girls chased me down a few
minutes after I took their pics to ask
what the pictures were for, they thought I
was with a newspaper, I wish.
Edward and Bella look a like.

Wall to wall mania

Fun shirts were all over the place.

And pure crazy everywhere.

We got it...........
I stayed up a few hours and read.
I am about 250 in and loving it.
Not ANYTHING like I thought it would be,
but good.
I'll keep you posted...