Thursday, July 31, 2008

When we remodeled our basement we added two walls of book shelves.
I thought it would be fun to put things on the shelf that were
from and about our family, it being a "family room".
Here are some of the items on the book shelves.
1. A ceramic hunting boy painted by Gregs Grandma, Sadie Peery.
2 A ceramic horse also painted by Sadie. This was one of the
hobbies she loved to do, she made figures for all her
kids and grandkids.
3,4. Hand carved wooden heads from Africa. My Grandpa
and Grandma Leavitt went to Southern Africa on a misson
when I was a child. My Grandma gave me these heads because
I kept borrowing them for reports
at school, she finally said just keep them.
5. This is Grandpa Brownies hat. He always wore this hat,
just barley tilted to the side.
6. A Hippo carved out of stone, also from Africa.
7. This "man on a bike" I got for Greg one year for Christmas,
it's all the way from Pier One.
8. This wood box is from Hawaii. When my mom lived in Hawaii
she bought it for her mother, Edna Leavitt, then when
I was turning 16 my Grandma gave it to me.
9. A camera and camera bag from Grandpa Browie, (or
Grandma Chomer, depending on who you talk to.)
10. And a ceramic buffalo, another of Grandma Peerys figures.
My kids love all these figures, in fact Aydelyn moves
the little hunting boy to her room sometimes, I keep
having to move it back.
Anyway these are some of the treasures that we have on our
book shelves, along with books. I was in the mood to
take picture so I decided to take some of these. They are fun
things to help the kids learn more about those that they
don't get a chance to meet or get to know. Enjoy.


a wynn wynn situation said...

It was nice to meet all of them!
You are such an artist and I LOVE it! I love to get a little glimpse at the way you see things.
Your sentimentality is inspiring and makes me want to have more meaningful things around me instead of dumping things at DI if they don't make the room flow.

Jandee said...

jessy your blog is really cool, you have great ideas! I love all the pics and the way you've set it all up. I miss your fam, you are all so cute and fun to be around. in my new ward in phoenix their is a group of girls that I get together for play group with and they are crazy about Sephenine Meyer books, you would love them they are all dressing up like Bella for Halloween.-jandee