Friday, July 18, 2008

90's not old

July 16th was Grandma Leavitts 90th
birthday. At the end of her party she
decided it would be fun to go down the
slide, and not the straight slide, the twisty one.

Diane helped her up and then grandma
said "WOW, I think I'm good for another 90 years"


a wynn wynn situation said...

That is one heck of a groovy ninety year old woman! I love that she went down the twisty slide (they give me vertigo and I'm only in my thirties!!) and that on her hip she has a cool little cell phone. Oh the things she's seen in her lifetime and it looks like she is good for ninety more:)

Jonique Peterson said...

Grandma Leavitt is amazing, I can not believe that she went down the slide. What a way to start her 90"s out right.
Thanks for taking the pictures!

adrienne Shrader said...

Fun pictures! What a woman!